Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Gift of Song

In Mosiah 18:8 it states, “…and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light. Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places…”

Today I was privileged to witness many people who came to help Tyler bear his burden, offer comfort and bear witness of God through song.  Several of the young adults from his ward came to visit.  Some of them had never met Tyler before, but knew his burden was heavy.  They first sang “Silent Night” and the spirit covered the room like a warm blanket.  Next, they sang, “If I could Hie to Kolob” and “The Spirit of God”.  During the first song, people came out from adjoining rooms to see what was going on.  I saw people in the hallway tear up as the spirit poured down the hallways as far as the voices reached.  It truly was one of the most remarkable experiences I have had.  I told my children that it felt like I was in the temple.  It was crystal clear that Heavenly Father wanted his children to feel His love and offer peace that only He can bring.  Tyler sang with them… what a blessing!  Tyler was definitely uplifted today, but everyone within ear shot was also comforted tonight.

Tyler has had many visitors the last couple of days that are all desirous to lighten his burden; Neighbors, Tyler’s Bishop and Stake President, Friends, Immediate and Extended Family all love Tyler so much.  He still has his ups and downs and will for some time, but he improves each day. Thank you again for everyone’s prayers and support, Tyler and his family feel the prayers and we sees evidence of them daily.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tyler’s pain is much more under control today.  We are so thankful for that.   His teeth were hurting badly again today.  Karen felt them and there are several that are fairly loose.  Doctors took out the staples on the left side of his body today.  That is such a great stride!  They started counting how many staples they removed, but lost count and gave up. The scabs are pretty gruesome, but they will heal.  As they were being removed, it was a reminder about how much Tyler has already endured, and how far he has come.  He received a haircut and shave today; he looks so great!     

It is hard to believe the miracles that we have seen in just 2 weeks.  In Ether 12:12 we read that, “For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith.”  This scripture makes me so grateful for family and friends that live in a way that when called upon, they are immediately ready to offer succor, pray, fast and administer blessings.  It makes my mind spin to think of what must happen for Tyler to walk and be self-sufficient again.  However, we trust in our Heavenly Father and will act in faith for we know that He will make the impossible things possible.  

Friday, November 28, 2014

A Tender Letter From Dad

Dear Tyler,

I wish I had the way with words you do, but I do not.  I know miracles exist because you are one of them.  My heart is heavy, my feelings fragile, and my thoughts numb.  Seeing you suffer as your dad is almost unbearable.  I know the only way to make it through this is to allow the Savior to take our burdens and sorrows.  I love you so much and know that anything is possible.  I find solace in thinking of fond memories that you and I have experienced together.  I think of when Christ says “Not my will but  Thine be done”.  I know if it was my will I would fix everything immediately and get on with life.  I know that the plan is set to refine us.  This is in direct conflict with the natural man.  The natural man wants it easy, to eat, sleep, drink, and be merry.  What a contrast!  I have always joked with you that you would never be stronger than me.  That my will would always be greater than yours.  I concede.  Watching you go through these severe trials makes me realize that your will and strength is greater than anything I can imagine.  Thanks for being my son.  I look forward to doing many father and son things together again in the future.

I love you son,

Your dad,


Thanksgiving Day

Tyler was in so much pain today, it was hard to watch.  He is enduring this well with so much gratitude.  Our family thought of him with every bite we took sitting around our tables.  We felt so grateful that we had the health to enjoy the company and food and felt a sense of guilt and sorrow that Tyler was suffering.  Visiting with Tyler, he didn't mention anything about pity, he expressed gratitude for every visitor he had that day with such sincerity.  He is enduring this pain with so much gratitude for every small act of kindness: visits, cards, someone who holds the cup up so he can take a drink, or gives him a bite of food.  He thanks his visitors multiple times before they leave.  Watching Tyler was humbling today.  I wonder if I could be so gracious while in that kind of pain.  Tyler reminded me what Thanksgiving is about, being grateful for the tender mercies and blessing our Heavenly Father gives us.  We love you Tyler!

11/28/14:  Tyler is having surgery today to remove the blood clot filter.  This is a minor surgery compared to the others he has had.  There will also be a Benefit Concert December 22nd at 7:00 pm in Pleasant Grove to help Tyler’s family pay for his ongoing medical expenses.  More details will be coming.   

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Foot Surgery

Today was an extremely hard day for Tyler.  His surgery was put off until 1:00 in the afternoon.  He is eating so little anyway that by the time surgery came around, he was tremendously hungry, thirsty and nervous.  Tyler has lost so much weight already.  It becomes challenging to get the calories he needs when everything you eat has to be pureed.  They also decreased his pain medication in anticipation of the surgery so he was in intense pain this morning as well.   He was feeling pretty downtrodden before surgery. 

The surgeon said the surgery went “okay”.    He did a bone graft by taking bone from Tyler’s shin.  He wasn't expecting to have to do a graft.  He went in the shin through one of Tyler’s large cuts and just made it a little bit bigger.  The surgeon said there was one large piece of heel that was just big enough to put the screws in.  There were at least 30 pieces floating around.  He was able to put many of the pieces together, but there are still fragments floating around.  Time will tell if those pieces will fuse to other bone.  The most immediate concern is the lack of circulation to his foot which in turn makes the rate of infection increase.  Because his foot was so damaged and due to the lack of blood flow, infection will be a grave concern for the next 3 months.  He will not be able to put any weight on that foot for 10 weeks.  The surgeon said we need to hope that a lot of things fall in place for this surgery to be successful.   As a family, we know that miracles happen.  We have witnessed an outpouring of God’s love already.  “But behold, I will show unto you a God of miracles, even the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and it is that same God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are.” 

We have peace by knowing that Tyler has a big brother that suffered all that we might live.  He knows everything that Tyler is going through and can give him the comfort he needs.  We also attest that our Heavenly Father can help this extreme trial make Tyler stronger.  We have so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving Eve, but we are also praying that tomorrow will be a little bit brighter for our sweet Tyler.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Today was a resting day before the big surgery on his right foot tomorrow.  Surgery begins at 7am, we will let everyone know how the surgery goes, but we anticipate this being one of his longer surgeries as there is so much damage in that foot.  Tyler's teeth and hands are still causing him the most pain.  He has been diligently using his breathing apparatus to prevent pneumonia and strengthen his lungs, it is painful, but he knows it is necessary.   His mom bought him a flying monkey to hold in his right hand for therapy.  His goal is to try and throw it.

There is much on the horizon, so although there isn't much to post today - please check back. Tyler is going to need a lot of help in the coming months as he learns how to walk and force his broken body to work again.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Out of ICU

Today was full of milestones for Tyler! 
  • First, he is out of the ICU – that is HUGE!
  • Second, his neck brace was removed.
  • Third, the stiches above his eye came out.
  • Fourth, he had his first hair washing.
  • Fifth, he had a close shave.  His great nurse Leah gave him a good shave yesterday, but he still had the neck brace on. 
  • Sixth, his aunt Diana got to be his nurse all day.  She made the comment that patients tell her that ‘they love her’ because of the kindness she shows them.  Before now, she just thought they were being nice or expressing casual compliments, but after Tyler, ‘she gets it’.  We have all been moved and so grateful for these dear nurses that watch over our Tyler day and night.  They have been so kind, caring and gentle with him.  One of Heaven’s tender mercies is when others do that which you cannot do for yourself.

I am so proud of Tyler for being positive through this experience.  He is frequently in pain, but tries so hard to look for the silver linings.  When I arrived tonight he was just finishing up with physical therapy.  It was difficult and stressful enough that they had to change his sheets afterward because of perspiration.  Even after that, he was in good spirits and smiling.  However, he was not too excited about dinner.  Pureed meat didn’t sound good, shocking.

The family wants to express gratitude for the amazing family, friends and neighbors for all their acts of service, concern and prayers.   Tyler and his family feel your support and your prayers are being answered, Tyler is daily proof of that.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The British Are Coming!

Tyler had a great day today!  Just upon walking into his room you could tell a huge difference.  His face looks SO GOOD!  The swelling has greatly reduced; his blackened eye that he had surgery on is even looking great!

 His white blood cell count is starting to drop and his fever is slightly reduced.  We went to the hospital in attempt to cheer up Tyler but instead we all walked away feeling like Tyler had brightened our day.  He was talking in a British accent today because ‘pretending helps take away some of the pain’.  He was absolutely hilarious talking about crumpets and tea… not liking mushrooms, chocolate being good on the palate and telling us hilarious stories.  John recorded some of it and we laughed all over again.  For dinner he had a few bites of cheesecake, a small amount of broth and a little bit of hot chocolate.  They are starting to reduce the amount of food going through his feeding tube to encourage eating. 

John’s birthday is today, so when he walked in, Tyler started singing Happy Birthday and raised his arms to give his Dad a hug.  They sure love each other.  He has therapy twice a day now as they work with his legs and arms.  He sits at the edge of the bed as they work on range of motion and limited resistance training.  He is worn out and nauseous after therapy, mostly from sitting straight up.  He said his hands and teeth were really hurting today as well. 

Tyler will forever have an increased capacity for compassion.  He will know frustration, immense pain, loneliness and helplessness.  On the other hand he will know success, health, companionship and hope.  “Here then is a great truth. In the pain, the agony, and the heroic endeavors of life, we pass through a refiners fire, and the insignificant and the unimportant in our lives can melt away like the dross and make our faith bright, intact, and strong” – James E Faust. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

What a Difference One Day Makes!

It was so fun to see and HEAR Tyler yesterday!  His throat is feeling much better and they let him have a variety of liquids (small sips) and sorbet.  He will be on soft foods (no chewing) for a month to allow his jaw to heal.  He said he will never take water for granted again.  We talked at length about how difficult it was to want water so badly and only have a wet sponge touch your lips.  He talked about how grateful he is to finally be able to communicate and ask questions.  He raised his arm to give me a hug and was trying to sit up.    His fever is still up, so they have a cooling water pad underneath his body that makes him feel cold and uncomfortable.  His other chest tube also came out today, which was another welcome relief. 

Tyler was excited to show us how he can move his fingers on his right hand, but is a little anxious because he can’t get his left hand to move at all.  We explained that the swelling around those nerves in that hand may be the reason why.  He was moved when we told him about how many people are praying for him.  I asked him if he knows how he was rescued.  He thought Josh Tobler was an EMT because ‘he was so professional and good’.  He kept saying, “that dude is so cool”.  He is so grateful for the girls as well and recognized Gabriella’s picture.  Thanks again for saving our Tyler and listening to the Holy Ghost that night.  I have been praying every night that I will be in tune with the spirit enough to hear His voice and be an emissary in his hands as you four were that night.

This morning we received a text from John saying that Tyler is having chest pains.  They have done an EKG and a chest x-ray and everything looks good.  They are keeping a close eye on him right now.  Thanks for your continued prayers!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

THE TUBE IS OUT!; Water; Family and the Mock Rescue

The tube is out – yea!!!!  It was an unexpected and welcome surprise. The entire family is in celebration mode!  Tyler’s throat is pretty raw, but now it can heal, he said it was “cavernous”.  He was using all sorts of big words today.  After they removed the tube all he wanted was water, but he couldn't have any until the specialist came in to make sure everything was okay.  In the meantime, he was saying some pretty insightful even inspired things.  He was also saying the funniest things like, “When I get out of here, the first thing I am going to do is go to the finest restaurant and order all kinds of water and ice – buckets full of it”.  I know what I am giving him for Christmas! It sure brings a new imagery to mind when I think of "the living water" referred to in the scriptures.  

He savored everything he was given today.  He got to take a few sips of water, a tiny bit of mashed up Popsicle, some sprite and a spoonful of pudding.  Tomorrow he is going to get some root beer, he is excited for that.  Both John and Karen commented how great it is to hear his voice.  What a blessing to be able to communicate again!  He was finally able to let the nurse know that his muscles were having spasms, so they gave him something for that.  Finally, we will know how to help.

Tyler doesn’t remember much from that night.  He thinks he was in a motorcycle accident, but also remembers the hard impact and being very cold.  We will most likely never know the full story, but we do know what is important – that by the grace of God, he made it. 

His fever is up again today, so if you are praying for specifics, this would be a good one.  His cultures still aren’t growing anything, so it is just a waiting game.  Tyler’s eye is looking so much better today!  He still doesn’t like to open it, but that is not surprising considering the major operation two days ago.

Tyler saw his entire family today, and what a joyous reunion it was!  Josh and Zach saw Tyler for the first time today.  As you can see by the smile on his face, Tyler loves his family dearly, and they love him.  Tyler tried to roll to his side in attempt to be nearer to his little brothers.  He even tried to move his left arm to give his baby brother a hug.  Prior to that, he had not attempted to move that arm due to the severity of injuries. He has such a unique and special bond with those little guys.  

John spent 2 to 3 hours today with the Search and Rescue team.  Tyler’s rescue was a pretty big deal to them because people that are that broken don’t usually survive.  They used Tyler’s exact rescue as a training today, down to every detail.  John watched on as the mock rescue began.  One of the rescuers and family friend, Kevin Dickerson, played the role of Tyler.   He was dressed in the same type of clothing Tyler was found in, he laid in the exact location and was even given an IV.  John watched every exact step that taken to preserve Tyler’s life.  Another rescuer told John, “Tyler can fly, there is no way he should have survived that”.  We truly believe angles were accompanying him, softening the fall. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tyler’s fever was up again today, but nurses say that is to be expected.  Occupational therapists are already starting to work on making his body move... well at least his fingers. He had a PICC line put in today in his right arm, that procedure took a long time. His left arm has been hard casted.  On a happy note, Tyler got one of his chest tubes out!  I asked about his pain level today, the nurse said she asked a couple times and he was comfortable. 

He is much more awake and still trying to communicate.  He tried to nudge at his mom’s phone and then on my phone wanting to spell on it, but he doesn't have the ability to point to such small numbers on the screen yet.  The nurse gave us a clipboard with the alphabet on it.  It worked better, but it really wore him out to spell a couple of words.  You can see frustration in his eyes as he tries to tell us the simplest of needs, it is so humbling.  

His face is so swollen today, but he is still so handsome.  He looks peaceful when he is sleeping.  Watching him sleep brings memories of him as a toddler running across the horse corral to visit.  His little legs carrying him as fast as they can with the biggest grin on his face.  His smile hasn't changed since then – it still lights up a room.  There is nothing like a genuine ‘Tyler smile’. 

My Gratitude Journal fills up quickly when I watch Tyler for the shortest amount of time.  I am grateful for breathing; swallowing; a moist mouth; eating; seeing; walking; talking; moving my feet; turning my head; showering; being free from pain.  We are most grateful that Tyler is still with us.  We are grateful for the wonderful nurses and doctors that care for Tyler. We are grateful for the angels that surround him and pray for him continuously. We are grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that sees Tyler and knows him.  

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tyler is doing pretty well today, his face is swollen from yesterday’s surgery.  They are starting to wean him off the fentanyl and using a different pain killer so he is feeling more pain today.  Tyler really wants to communicate, it is agonizing slow since he can only slowly nod or shake his head as you go through the alphabet one letter at a time.  He tries to mouth words, but it is almost impossible to understand.  We were really hoping his intubation tube would be removed today, but it is now looking like this weekend.  At this point, as soon as they are confident that he can breathe on his own, they will remove the tube.  

On a positive note, the chest tubes may be taken out tomorrow.   Chest tubes are supposed to be extremely painful, so that would be a welcome relief.  Tyler is swinging his right foot around trying to get comfortable.  Hospital beds have never been known for their comfort.  It will just be so wonderful when he can tell us how to make him more comfortable.   A simple act of placing an additional pillow under a weary leg or changing the angle of an arm can make a world of difference. Tyler’s next big surgery will most likely be next Tuesday when they operate on his right foot.  Surgeons initially cleaned out his foot, but there was so much damage that they need the soft tissue to stabilize and firm up so that the hardware they will be placing in his foot will stay in place. 

This video from Elder Bednar’s talk, “Tender Mercies” sums up all our tender feelings. How grateful we are that Tyler is still around, will walk again, will soon be able to communicate again and for the generosity of family and friends.  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Face, Fever and Moms

It is in times like these, where we come to know the nature of our Heavenly Father.  It is in times like these that we pour out our heart to him and plead in behalf of our loved ones.  It is also in times like these that our burdens are lightened because of the prayers and fasting of others.  We have been uplifted, strengthened and even humbled by all the support given this past week.  There has been such an outpouring of love and support to the entire family this past week.  It reminds me of a talk given by Dieter Uchtdorf when he describes the damaged statue of Jesus Christ missing his hands. The people of the city added a sign at the base of the statue with these words:  “You are my hands.” 

Tyler was disappointed that his intubation tube wouldn’t be removed today or tomorrow as planned.  I can’t imagine not being able to talk, swallow or even breathe as unevenly or deeply as desired.  We share in his great disappointment but know that doctors are doing what is best in the long run.  They are worried that if his face swells greatly after today’s surgery that they may not be able to intubate him before the next surgery.  In that case, only a tracheotomy would work. 

Tyler has been in surgery since 3pm.  It is now almost 10pm, he is still in surgery but will hopefully be done soon.  They have been reconstructing his eye socket today that will consist of putting a plate above his eye and fixing the bones below.  They will also put a plate in his chin. Doctors also put a filter in his femoral artery since he is at high-risk for developing clots.  This filter is supposed to help prevent life-threatening pulmonary emboli. Originally they thought they would be able to do this by going through his leg but had difficulty turning the instrument through that incision, so they went through the neck.

Miracle #9 – Tyler’s temperature came down today!  This is such an incredibly big deal.  Tyler had so many open wounds and fear of infection is great.  His fever coming down is a sign that his body is fighting and winning that battle!

Miracle #10 –Mothers:  I have been so touched by the grace that Tyler’s mother has handled this.  Karen has kept constant vigil by Tyler’s bed since the moment it happened.  I have heard her whisper encouragement, comfort and hundreds of “I love you’s”.  Moms are one of the greatest gifts God ever gave mankind.  I know Tyler is so grateful for his.   

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Day of Fasting

Thank You Dear Family and Friends who are fasting for our Tyler.  We have a very strong testimony of the power of fasting.  From his Aunt Floris an inspiring, comforting message from Isaiah 58:6-9 on our day of fasting:  "Is not this the fast that I have chosen?... to undo the heavy burdens... and thine health shall spring forth speedily... Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am."

We also have pictures from where he was found thanks for one of the EMT's and family friend, Mr. Dickerson.

 "He was in the brush under that end point of the cliff.  Those [cliffs] are 150 feet."

"From the top looking into the brush where he ended up.  It is vertical enough he could have fallen the entire way without bumping wall. It's possible he came from the top, cleared the trail, and landed in sloping, brush area below, coming to rest in the rocks where he was found."

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Some Miracles are Just too Sacred to Share

No surgeries today.  The next surgeries are scheduled for Monday in order to give his body a break.  I believe they will be repairing his eye socket, cheek and chin.  His right ankle is severe enough they need to wait for the soft tissue to heal a bit in order to give the surgery the best chance of success. Tyler is one brave and strong young man.  They reduced the amount of sedative today so he was gradually more and more awake today.  Thankfully, they also increased the amount of pain killer, but there won’t ever be enough of that.    We asked Tyler what was hurting, he confirmed that his left arm that they operated on yesterday was the worst.   He is still intubated, but the pressure going into his lungs has also been decreased.  He now has a feeding tube going directly into his small intestine which will give him some much needed nutrition.  

Becky and Kelli got to see him for the first time today.  It was a tender moment.  Tyler winked at Becky when she walked in.  Kelli and Tyler have always been so close, she sobbed when she saw Tyler and tears ran down Tyler’s eyes in return.  It was apparent that Tyler was so happy to have her there.  By the time his sisters left his beside, Kelli was telling him stories and I am positive it lifted Tyler’s spirits.  Sisters are one of Heaven’s Blessings. 

Tyler’s Stake President came to visit again tonight.  Tyler loves his Bishop and Stake President so much.  John (his Dad) said that Tyler was extremely alert the entire visit.  The Stake President said a prayer with Tyler.  This is the next miracle, it is too sacred to share, but the spirit was strong and palpable in the room.  Tyler's room really is a reverent place to be.

Miracles 1-7

MIRACLE  #1:  As far as Tyler fell, he didn’t break is back on the way down. 

MIRACLE  #2:  Tyler had a helmet on that protected his skull.  He is showing no signs of neural deficit.

MIRACLE  #3:  Tyler will have to have plates above his eye, his cheek and his chin, his eye will need an operation BUT his face is still beautiful (Sorry Tyler, it is true…. Brenda is right, you are so beautiful).  You looked like an angel last night as you were resting after coming out of another surgery.

11/13/2014 –
My dearest sweetest Tyler.  I am writing this down in case you don’t remember or to help bring to your memory things that I heard and saw tonight.  When I first entered your room, I was a little bit taken back by how bruised and broken your body was.  It was so sad to see tubes coming out of your body from every angle and monitors surrounding your bed.  It was even more sad to see you intubated.  You would start to waken and choke or cough because the tube was in the way.  Your tongue couldn't move and I could tell that was bothering you and your mouth had to be very dry.  Your eyes were smothered in Vaseline so they wouldn't seal shut and it looked as if tears were running down your good eye.  Pins were coming out of your arm.  Even though you looked so sad, it was absolutely wonderful to see you alive and know that your body would heal.
When you would wake up, your mom, cousin and I would ask you questions.  You were only able to nod or shake your head, so it had to be yes or no questions.  I asked if you were in pain – yes.  I asked what the most pain was and went through your body – breathing hurt the most.   I told you that thousands of people were praying for you – you nodded your head. 

MIRACLE # 4, 5, 6, 7 – The Rescuers (Josh Tobler; Gabriella Armenta; Mary Booth; Jorja Hjorth)
The most memorable event tonight was when your rescuers came in to visit you.  A nurse came in and said a “Josh Tobler” was at the door and was asking for permission to come in.  Your mom was at your side and told you the news.  At the sound of his name, your good eye opened more than it had all night and you started nodding.  We found out that he was the one who rescued you.  You keep closing and opening that eye in anticipation of his arrival.  When he got there and came close to your bed, you lifted your arm up a good 6-8 inches and rotated your arm toward him.  It looked as though you wanted to give him a fist bump or hug him and it was taking all your strength to let him know you loved him to the core.   That was more movement than anyone had seen you do ….    Up to that point you would lift your right leg a 1/2” to 1” inch.  It was the most touching thing I have ever seen.  The nurses arrived after only a couple minutes of them being there to prep you for your next surgery.   During that time, this is the story they told.

The three girls are high school friends and decided to catch up, so they drove to the mouth of the canyon.  As they were talking one of the girls rolled down her window…  This is one of the miracles of the night.  The night was SO cold, but for no reason she decided to roll down her window.  They thought they heard something in the distance and stopped to listen.  They heard someone yelling ‘help’ but didn't know if it was coming from surrounding houses or in the canyon.  One of the girls whistled as loudly as she could to see if could get a response.  After her whistle Tyler yelled louder, “Help” and they knew you were injured.  One of the girls had been taking a class that helped her distinguish vocal signals and realized instantly that you were injured.  She started crying instantly because she knew.  She started up the trail but turned back because it was extremely dark and she didn't know her way around.  She had 911 on the phone.   

In the meantime, Josh Tobler was driving and had the thought to drive to the parking lot… he had no reason to go, but listened.  Out of all people Josh knows the canyon like the back of his hand.   The girls in the parking lot were frantic and flagged him down.  Without hesitation,  he booked it up the trail to find you.  He was on the phone with 911 as well the entire time, so he was left to find you without any kind of light.  He would walk a distance and then call to you, you would yell back to him and he would change his course of direction based upon the sound of your voice.  Both he and the girls said you were remarkably loud.  This is yet another miracle.  Both of your lungs were collapsed.  Doctors are saying that with the shape your lungs were in, you shouldn't have been able to whisper.  We are certain angels surrounded you and extended your voice for you.  Right now, you can’t even breathe on your own, and yet you were able to yell to get people to help you.    Josh found you and said he talked to you while waiting for search and rescue.

In the parking lot, the girls were waiting for Search and Rescue.  One of the girls’ fathers is an EMT.  She knew it should only take 5 minutes for them to get there.  After time had passed, they called 911 again.  They had gone to the wrong canyon (They went to Provo).  Another miracle that they knew that it was taking too long and to call again.  We think you were laying there for some time before because the girls had the foresight to feel your motorcycle to see if there was any warmth left.  It was stone cold.  Josh and the girls have come to one conclusion that they feel very strongly about:  This was not a coincidence that they were in the area that night.  The girls said they hadn’t slept the night before worrying about you and hoping you were okay.

An Overview

A brief’ish’ overview:  We believe from rescuers that Tyler fell 100 - 150 feet, There are a lot of missing details because Tyler has not been able to talk since machines are coming out of his mouth to help him breathe and take out fluids.  I don’t know the entire spectrum of his injuries, the list just keeps getting longer each day.  His arms are broken multiple times and have plates in them.  His right wrist was in so many pieces the surgeon said he couldn't use a plate or screws, he had to use a wire that will need to be surgically removed to piece them back together.   His hands are so broken and tendons torn.  Last night (11/14) the surgeon found rocks, one the size of a dice in his ring finger.  His shoulder may be broken, but we can’t remember.  His legs are broken multiple times.  His right hip was dislocated down his leg and the ball of his hip broken completely in two with a chunk missing in the middle.  This is one of the more serious injuries.  If you are praying, we would love for specific prayers for that hip they operated on to get blood flow and for their procedure ‘to take’.    His left ankle was severely broken and had to be fused.  He will have backward and forward motion but will not have sideways motion.  His calcaneus (heel) is shattered.  That will be one of the last operations.  His ribs are broken and his lungs collapsed.  A few of his internal organs had lacerations on them, but now my memory is failing me.  This is not an extensive list… and more injuries are expected to be found as Tyler wakens and can tell surgeons what hurts.  Tyler has had approximately 20 surgeries to date.  Today (11/15) they will give his body a break.  More surgeries are scheduled for Monday to work on his face. Yesterday (11/14) was tough, you were more awake and crying because of the pain. 

Tyler, your family loves you beyond measure.  We stand around your bedside and pray.  We stand around your bedside and offer encouragement.  Your mom stands around and her heart bleeds as she tells you how much she loves you and wipes away your tears because you are unable to.  Your Dad is fighting your medical battles and making sure you are getting the best surgeons and getting the best of everything possible.  His heart is heavy, but he has faith and knows that you will recover.  We are started to keep a log of your visitors because you have already had so many… and so many are turned away until you are stronger.  Your Bishop and Stake President have visited and given you special blessings and promises.  Grandpa and your Dad gave you a blessing that promised healing.  THOUSANDS of people are praying for you all over the country.  Your ward is fasting tonight and tomorrow for you.  Your aunts and uncles have fasted and will be holding another special fast for more specific injuries.  Heavenly Father loves you, he knows the pain you are in.  There is a special spirit when you enter your room, I believe angles are surrounding you day and night offering you their love and encouragement too.  You definitely have a work still on this earth.  There have already been too many miracles and ‘coincidences’ to think otherwise.  Our family sees you recovering and becoming an inspiration to millions.