Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Feet, Hands & Hips

Monday:  Tyler had an appointment with the foot surgeon.  He took x-rays and said his bones are doing really well!  He also said he has never seen a calcaneus shatter so completely like Tyler’s.   Time will tell how completely or to what extent it will heal.    Tyler’s new cast is lighter and protects his toes,    

The doctor also gave him permission to put weight on the left foot.  He ordered a foot scooter, but forgot to take into account his left hip that has another 4-5 weeks before it can handle weight.  His hip has always been one of the biggest worries because of the severity of the damage.   Here you can see Tyler using the foot scooter on his way to therapy. 

  That evening Tyler’s hip was hurting him and the next day his hip popped out of socket.  John tried to get him into the hip doctor, but it will be another week before he can get in.  His hip has popped back in, and we are hoping no long-term damage has been done.

Tuesday, he went to his hand surgeon.  They took more x-rays and will surgically remove the pins out of his left hand on Wednesday the 7th.  Tyler is excited for those pins to be removed because they have been causing him a lot of pain.  

He is unable to raise his left wrist at all.  There is very little motion in his fingers.  They suspect that a nerve has been severed either during the fall or in surgery.  Time will tell if the sheath is in place (and the nerve can reform) or if it has been severed completely.   In that same appointment the doctor was amazed at how well his right hand is healing.  Interestingly, the right wrist was obliterated during the fall and was expected to have limited if any use at all.  Here we witness another miracle in Tyler’s recovery.  His right (and dominant) hand is functional, he can write, eat and is making huge bounds in recovery. 

Even though there have been some setbacks this week, Aunt Diana made an excellent point.  Things could be so much worse.  How grateful we are that Tyler didn’t break his back or neck.  How grateful we are that Tyler has functioning limbs and will walk again.  How grateful we are that Tyler can talk, feed himself and make jokes.  It was a great reminder to thank our Heavenly Father for the many miracles we have witnessed up to this point.  We will continue to pray for more miracles, but are so grateful for all that has happened thus far.    
Tyler with his awesome therapists!

Tyler with cousins and aunt Floris!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Tool Truck Ride #3 and Missourians

One of the highlights of Tyler’s week is going to church with his friends and peers in his single ward.  Thanks to Randy Peterson, Tyler has been able to do that for the past month.   Randy has been so willing and amazing to transport Tyler back and forth from church each week in his tool truck.  Words are not enough to express the deep gratitude we feel for his sacrifice of time, resources and friendship.  Today Tyler’s ward combined as a stake to have sacrament services.  After services, lunch was provided. 

The Missouri cousins are in town for David’s upcoming wedding.   We had such a fun visit together with them in Tyler’s room.    Tyler had just gotten back from a shower, so many of his bandages were off. We got to see some more of his scars from surgeries on his left foot and left wrist.  His left leg is also healing up so well.  
Sam, David, Tyler, Floris and Sadie

I need to post some pictures of Tyler working out during physical therapy.  He is so amazing and getting stronger by the day.  He was showing me a few of his exercises.  I don’t know if I could do some of the things he is doing.  He is still frustrated with his left wrist.  He can’t move it at all and it burns/hurts continually.   His right foot is also causing him a lot of pain, but he knows better days lay in wait.  Tyler is such a great example to me when it comes to having patience in affliction.  Tyler doesn't complain about his aches and pains, we pry them out of him.   It reminds me of Joseph Smith writing from Liberty Jail amidst his anguish and terrible suffering, “Therefore God hath made broad our shoulders for the burden.  We glory in our tribulation, because we know that God is with us, that He is our friend, and that He will save our souls.” 

  Tyler LOVES visitors!  If you are in the area and would like to drop in, he would love to see you.  He has therapy every day, so if he isn’t in the room when you come by, check out the PT room just as you walk in.  He is usually done with therapy by early afternoon.   He is at the Orem Rehabilitation & Nursing Center located at 575 E 1400 S Street directly east of Sprouts by University Mall.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bachelor Party!

   Hello! This is David, here. Today, I got to spend most of my afternoon with Tyler and have a little bachelor party before I get married in four days! Tyler was craving for some fries, fry sauce, peppermint shakes and a good cheese burger.  So, I went to one of his favorite places and picked it all up and took it back to his room where we had a bachelor party! We listened to music, ate and talked. It was a lot of fun. Tyler and I have found that we have more in common as we both talk about the challenges we face. We seem to draw strength from each other as I share how I overcame challenges of losing my hearing and coping with my new life. I find more strength from him as he takes about coping with his new life. He is a great example!
   I have been helping behind the scenes with this blog with all the design work and making sure everything runs smoothly. While Tyler and I were looking at the blog he mentioned that he never read the first few blog entries made. I asked him if he wanted me to read it to him. He said yes and I decided to share a highlight about this moment.
  I began to read "Miracles 1-7" and the many emotions started to stir within me as I reflect on the first time I read this entry shortly after he was in the hospital. The feeling of peace entered the room and Tyler sat quietly on the bed. After I finished reading it I sat in his wheel chair and he talked about how he remembers seeing Josh Tobler, the man who found him by the cliff. He said, "I remember giving him a fist bump." Smiles filled Tyler's face as he reflected on that moment. Tyler goes on to say that he hopes others will draw strength and inspiration through his journey to recovery.

Keep it up, Tyler! You're awesome!


Tyler loving every bite! 

His "Home Alone" face. :) 

Laughing about all the good times! 

David & Tyler (cousins for life!) 

Two Days of Celebration

Tyler is 21!  We are so grateful he is here to celebrate his 21st birthday with those that love him so much.  The trauma surgeon was talking to John and reemphasized how unique Tyler’s case is.  He said before Tyler, he had never spent that much time operating on a patient in one setting.  He also said what a miracle it is that Tyler broke the combination of bones he did.  For instance, If he had broken his femurs he wouldn’t have made it past one week.  He talked in length to John about what a miracle Tyler is.  At the benefit concert John also recalled when they first arrived at the hospital on that fateful night.  A social worker met them in the parking lot and was trying to prepare them for the worst.  She kept trying to get John and Karen time with Tyler.   Finally, she was able to get them 6-8 seconds with him.  I tremble at the thought about what that would be like as a parent knowing that you had seconds with your precious son who is fighting for his life, not knowing if you will talk to him again.  It is things like this that make me reminds me once again that our God is a God of miracles.  Tyler is here and is doing so well!
Using 4-wheeler ramps to get into the house on his birthday.

Tyler had an eventful birthday!  The rehabilitation facility transported him to a movie theater where he and John watched Interstellar.  Immediately after that, Kelly picked Tyler up and brought him home where we all threw him a party.  Becki had the house decked out in birthday decorations.  Karen made the family blintzes (a family tradition for birthdays) and a delicious chocolate mint cake.   We sang “Happy Birthday” 21 times, all in different ways, throughout the evening.  We played a card game and sang Christmas songs around the piano while Tyler lay on the couch and Karen combed through his hair.   It was honestly a wonderful night.   It was so wonderful to have Tyler at home, even if it was only for a few hours.

I wasn’t with Tyler for Christmas, but I know it was a great day filled with family and lots of food!
Christmas Eve.  The family went to the rehabilitation center to open Christmas pajamas.

Christmas Day playing games at Standfields.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Benefit Concert

What a spectacular evening this has been!  It is simply amazing how much talent was displayed tonight.  We are told that even before we were born to our earthly parents that we developed talents that we could further improve and refine.  These talents are meant to benefit our families and others during our lifetime.  The fine musicians that performed at tonight’s benefit concert definitely have done that.  I can’t begin to express how beautiful the music was.  I was shocked and awed at the age of some of the performers.  I could have been sitting in Abravanel Hall and heard the same quality of music.   I personally felt a peace and serenity that only music can bring.  The concert provided needed monetary assistance and moral support for Tyler and his family. 

On behalf of the Olsen immediate and extended family we would like to offer the sincerest of thanks and deepest gratitude to the performers tonight and all those that had a hand in bringing this benefit concert to fruition.  We truly will forever hold a special place in our hearts for you.  Thanks for loving our Tyler and his family.

More pictures are coming!  On several occasions I forgot to take pictures because I was caught up in the moment.  Darrell and Jenny Babidge; Levi Hunt, Chelsea Lukens and Bethany Richard's pictures are coming soon!

 Holly Hunt, Levi Hunt, Emily Richards, Jessica Hunt (David Hunt and Bethany Richards at the piano - pictures coming).  These 5 stole the show.  The majority of pieces were performed by these amazing musicians.  I get chills just thinking about some of their pieces.
Adam Millington singing "O Holy Night"
Natalie Richards playing "Ceremony of the Carols"

 Angela Brimhall, Stephanie Johns,BriAnn Christensen

BriAnn Christenson; Hilary Hunt
The Hunts (who performed and organized the event) with Tyler.  Also is the owner of the reception center who donated the facility for the night.
 John expressed thanks to the performers, those in attendance and all who have had a hand in helping Tyler the last 5 1/2 weeks.  "I have seen God's hands in the middle of this... he has been working through you".
Kelly Allvord is a lifesaver!  He took out an insurance policy and was trained to drive the rehabilitation center's wheelchair accessible van.  He did all of this to  help Tyler get around safely tonight, tomorrow for Tyler's birthday, Christmas Eve and Christmas.  THANK YOU KELLY!!!  

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Families are Forever!

What fun we had with our family tonight at our annual White Elephant party.  Instead of trying to get Tyler out, we came to the rehabilitation center to celebrate.  Tyler's funniest gift was "All my friends are dead" with a picture of a dinosaur on the front.  He read us part of the book and we laughed very hard!  We also had a dancing reindeer hat; mullet; cat lady game; unicorn meat, Harry Potter beans, fish training set, mind control spray and so much more.  Families are truly a gift from our Heavenly Father; we laugh and cry together and support each other through our successes and trials. Every time I think about my family, I think about the Proclamation to the Family published by the First Presidency.
"Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities."

Doctors have taken Tyler off percocet to reduce the risk of addiction.  Because of this change, Tyler has been in more pain the last couple of days.  His little brother Josh has been reading to him to take his mind off it.  

Every morning, John gives his own version of a Christmas "Light Show" to Tyler.  Tyler LOVES this so much :-).  

Someone from their home ward made an incredible gingerbread house for Tyler.  

I have said it so many times, but it is incredible to witness all the compassionate service being rendered in Tyler's behalf.  “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it,” the Savior taught, “but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it” (Luke 9:24).
 President Thomas S. Monson said: “I believe the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and figuratively lose their lives, while those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish—and in effect save their lives.”  This Christmas season has been filled with the Spirit of Christ.  Christ wrought many miracles and went about doing good to those that others might have deemed unworthy or lowly.  Likewise, Christ has invited us to follow his example.  We are admonished to give of ourselves to lighten loads, to mourn with those that mourn and to lift our fellow men.  Time and energy is finite and service is seldom convenient and yet I have seen an abundance of service being given during this, the busiest time of year.  This truly is what Christmas is about.  

We are looking forward to the Benefit Concert tomorrow evening! 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Mall & A Motorized Chair

It has been a couple of great days for Tyler!  The Christmas spirit is definitely in the air and Tyler is excited to attend his upcoming benefit concert this Monday.  I don’t know all the performers, but I know at least one has traveled from Missouri just to perform at this concert.  It is going to be amazing! We are so deeply grateful for all the good people that have played a part in this benefit concert.  We hope to see you there!

Natalie, my boys and I took Tyler to the mall yesterday.  The BYU baseball coach gave him a very nice lined sweat uniform.  We helped Tyler change into that to help keep him warm on the way over.  Besides that, he just looked handsome in it!  The nurse and techs gave him his medication to take while gone, refilled his insulin, helped us get him in the wheelchair and we were off!  We pushed him from the rehabilitation center to the mall along the sidewalks. We went from one end of the mall to the other looking for a Christmas tree.   In the end, it was Tyler and Natalie that found one by Macey’s.  It was a fun evening window shopping with Tyler and having ice cream. 

Kyle from Tyler’s single ward stayed the night.  Tyler enjoyed his company so much – thanks Kyle!  

This week physical therapists pitched in and got him a very soft minky blanket that he loves. 

He also got his first ride in a motorized wheelchair today.  Grandma said he went around the facility eight times and had a huge smile on his face each time he passed. One step closer to independence.
Lastly, Tyler’s cousin David and Heather came to visit.  They both just arrived in town for their upcoming wedding.   What a wonderful time of year as families come together to celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Benefit Concert

There are still tickets left! 
 Hunts, Richards and Tuttles are seasoned performers and competitors who have shared their music talents globally.  Come prepared to enjoy piano, harp, string instruments and vocal talents. 
They are hoping for at least a $10 donation per ticket.  
Call or text BriAnn Christensen 801-691-2883 or Lisa Hastleton 801-725-3050 to reserve a seat!  A HUGE Thank You to these three families that are willing to share their abilities and have orchestrated the entire event.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Plague!

Tyler had just gotten back into his room from getting a shower, so his chest was exposed.  One of the first things Tyler said was, "I have the plague!"  Tyler has broken out with some type of rash. Small boils cover his chest, neck and a portion of his face.  I took a picture of what the rash/infection looks like on one of his incisions.   Just a couple days ago, the entire incision looked like the top portion you can see (normal).

The doctor yesterday thought it was a staph infection.  Another doctor came in while I was there and agreed that it might be staph,but it could also be a reaction to all the medications he is on.  They took a culture to know for certain.  Either way, it is pretty miserable.  He still has an amazing attitude about it though, 
Here is his morning dose of medication.

Tyler worked hard in physical therapy today.  They had him lifting his legs one at a time with 2 pound weights.  He had to do it for a minute at a time.  He said it was extremely difficult and tiring but that he brought the intensity upon himself because he told the therapists his goal was to 'leave this place looking ripped'.  

All in all, Tyler is doing great!  His days look similar, but as each one passes he gains strength and mobility. We are just happy that he is here to celebrate his upcoming birthday and Christmas Season with us! 

Better Than a Hallelujah

   Every time I read one of Tyler's miracles and tender mercies I stand all amazed at the love of our Heavenly Father. Over the last few weeks I have learned God is real, answers prayers and often in  ways we did not expect them to be. This music video plays one of my favorite songs "Better Than a Hallelujah." I decided to sign to this song as Tyler was always there for me when I lost all my hearing at age six.  I am not perfect in my American Sign Language (ASL) but it is from the heart.

  Keep being awesome, Tyler!

Tyler's Cousin 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Ride to Remember

Tyler took another ride in the tool truck today!  It is still quite the process to get him to his ward, but it so worth it when Tyler find the peace and receives strength for another week.  This truly shows the love of a mother and father that are willing to go to great lengths to fulfill a righteous desire.    Josh (Tyler's next youngest brother) slept the night in Tyler's room and helped get him ready to church.  Services today were great, it was the Christmas program since many students will be going home for the holidays.  Going to church wears Tyler out, but he loves it!

Today is the first day Tyler has asked for something specific to be included in this blog. I anticipate the day when his fingers and wrists are fully functional and his healing process becomes first person news.  I know it will happen, and it brings excitement at the prospect.  He wants to express his gratitude for all the visitors who stop in to make the days pass.  He also wants to thank his very generous family and friends for all the treats and gifts he is being spoiled with.  Just today John and Karen's home teacher, Steve, made a quilt for Tyler.  It has the most beautiful acorn pattern on it.  Another kind neighbor brought good books for Tyler to read.   We are definitely surrounded by wonderful people!