Thursday, December 11, 2014

Soccer Team; Pins Pulled and Christ Like Love

The last two days have been eventful for Tyler.  Yesterday his soccer team came to visit him.  They brought him a signed soccer ball and a bag full of soccer gear.  He was thrilled with their visit.  He loves his team so much and has such great memories with each of them.  It was a special visit. Thank You so much!

Today, he had another doctor’s appointment.  They took off his casts to remove the pins in his left foot and check healing in his right.  Tyler’s description of the procedure left my knees a little weak.  He said the first two pins (the short ones that have the yellow ends) felt really strange while being removed but wasn’t very painful.  However, the third and longest pin was piercing.   It has made him a little nervous about other pins he has to have removed.  The cast on the right side is smaller and lighter, so that made him happy as well. 

Yesterday I was walking down to my classroom and was met by the entire Westlake Student Council singing Christmas Carols at my door.  They handed me a large bag with a quilt they had made (a special thanks to Heningers) and so many kind and thoughtful cards.  I was overcome with gratitude that students who have never met my nephew would go to such great lengths to lighten his burden.   There have been numerous examples of service and thoughtful acts rendered by so many in the community.  These recent acts of service have reminded me to “Love as He Loves” as I have seen so many do.

“Jesus the Christ, who knew perfectly how to give, set for us the pattern for giving.  To those whose hearts are heavy with loneliness and sorrow, He brings compassion and comfort.  To those whose bodies and minds are afflicted with illness and suffering, He brings love and healing.  To those whose souls are burdened with sin, He offers hope, forgiveness, and redemption. 

If the Savior were among us today, we would find Him where He always was – ministering to the meek, the downcast, the humble, the distressed, and the poor in spirit.  During this Christmas season and always, may we give to Him by loving as He loves.  And may we, through simple acts of kindness, charity, and compassion, fill the world with the light of His love and healing power.”  (Fill the World with Christ’s Love, Uchtdorf).

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