Monday, January 26, 2015

Hey Everybody

Hey everybody, Tyler here. From this point on I'll be personally updating the blog. Every Sunday I'll post a weekly update and if I have the motivation I may post on regular weekdays. Here's the week in review:

Monday was FHE with the ward. We played Scum. I started the first half of the game out as scum... Fortunately, I worked my way up to a better position by the end. 

I had a follow-up appointment for my recovering left hand on Tuesday. Dr. Frazier said everything looked great, but his office hadn't received any results regarding the EMG. The radial nerve is the nerve in question and I'm still in the dark. At this point, I assume the nerve's sheath was severed. That means I'll have to wear a permanent brace.

I've been working with my occupational therapist on getting a brace figured out. In the next few weeks I'll be seeing a specialized hand therapist. One of the concerns for my left hand is the ring finger. The tendon is still compromised and the finger itself is still extremely stiff. It should improve with time, but it's difficult to deal with at the moment.

On Thursday I had an appointment with my foot doctor. My right heel has been giving me grief, so they removed the cast and examined the skin. The original surgery scars are still there, but no new sores were to be seen. They put on another cast with more padding in the heel this time. This one will last two weeks and then I should be done with casts.

Friday was legit. My home teachers, Craig and Kurtis, came over and gave a nice lesson. We played Super Smash for a while and my friend Nikkita joined us and made it that much better. Shortly after, two friends from high school showed up. My buddy Nick brought his Xbox One and Dallin provided the pizza. It was the best Friday night I've had in a while.

Church today was pretty routine. We took the tool truck again, but I'm not sure how much longer it'll be necessary. Earlier this week I practiced car transfers. I can get in and out of a car with little or no help now. Kyle and I home taught today. Since it's still difficult to get me out of here, the sisters we were teaching came to the facility. The spirit was strong and my heart was full. It's always nice to share gospel principles. 

On another note, my friends Jessica and Shaliece stopped by today and dropped off a late birthday present. We played the wii and caught up. It was pretty great. My family came over for dinner tonight. We played a game and enjoyed each others' company. I sure love those people.

Thanks for all your continued prayers and support. Good friends and family have made my situation more bearable than it would've been alone. Thanks for all the visits this week, I love you guys.