Friday, November 28, 2014

A Tender Letter From Dad

Dear Tyler,

I wish I had the way with words you do, but I do not.  I know miracles exist because you are one of them.  My heart is heavy, my feelings fragile, and my thoughts numb.  Seeing you suffer as your dad is almost unbearable.  I know the only way to make it through this is to allow the Savior to take our burdens and sorrows.  I love you so much and know that anything is possible.  I find solace in thinking of fond memories that you and I have experienced together.  I think of when Christ says “Not my will but  Thine be done”.  I know if it was my will I would fix everything immediately and get on with life.  I know that the plan is set to refine us.  This is in direct conflict with the natural man.  The natural man wants it easy, to eat, sleep, drink, and be merry.  What a contrast!  I have always joked with you that you would never be stronger than me.  That my will would always be greater than yours.  I concede.  Watching you go through these severe trials makes me realize that your will and strength is greater than anything I can imagine.  Thanks for being my son.  I look forward to doing many father and son things together again in the future.

I love you son,

Your dad,


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