Monday, November 17, 2014

Face, Fever and Moms

It is in times like these, where we come to know the nature of our Heavenly Father.  It is in times like these that we pour out our heart to him and plead in behalf of our loved ones.  It is also in times like these that our burdens are lightened because of the prayers and fasting of others.  We have been uplifted, strengthened and even humbled by all the support given this past week.  There has been such an outpouring of love and support to the entire family this past week.  It reminds me of a talk given by Dieter Uchtdorf when he describes the damaged statue of Jesus Christ missing his hands. The people of the city added a sign at the base of the statue with these words:  “You are my hands.” 

Tyler was disappointed that his intubation tube wouldn’t be removed today or tomorrow as planned.  I can’t imagine not being able to talk, swallow or even breathe as unevenly or deeply as desired.  We share in his great disappointment but know that doctors are doing what is best in the long run.  They are worried that if his face swells greatly after today’s surgery that they may not be able to intubate him before the next surgery.  In that case, only a tracheotomy would work. 

Tyler has been in surgery since 3pm.  It is now almost 10pm, he is still in surgery but will hopefully be done soon.  They have been reconstructing his eye socket today that will consist of putting a plate above his eye and fixing the bones below.  They will also put a plate in his chin. Doctors also put a filter in his femoral artery since he is at high-risk for developing clots.  This filter is supposed to help prevent life-threatening pulmonary emboli. Originally they thought they would be able to do this by going through his leg but had difficulty turning the instrument through that incision, so they went through the neck.

Miracle #9 – Tyler’s temperature came down today!  This is such an incredibly big deal.  Tyler had so many open wounds and fear of infection is great.  His fever coming down is a sign that his body is fighting and winning that battle!

Miracle #10 –Mothers:  I have been so touched by the grace that Tyler’s mother has handled this.  Karen has kept constant vigil by Tyler’s bed since the moment it happened.  I have heard her whisper encouragement, comfort and hundreds of “I love you’s”.  Moms are one of the greatest gifts God ever gave mankind.  I know Tyler is so grateful for his.   

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